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Mastering Performance Appraisals: Competency and Feedback Techniques

Effectively reviewing performance is key to employee development. This guide explores the stages of competency and effective feedback methods in performance appraisals.

Understanding the Competency Curve

Recognizing where employees stand on the Learning and Competence Curve is essential for setting realistic improvement goals. This curve includes:

  • Unconsciously Incompetent: Lacks awareness of skills needed.
  • Consciously Incompetent: Aware of deficiencies but unsure how to improve.
  • Consciously Competent: Aware and capable in their role.
  • Unconsciously Competent: Skilled and performs tasks effortlessly.

Delivering Constructive Feedback

Feedback is a crucial tool for development, consisting of motivational and developmental types. It's a balance of recognition and constructive improvement.

Techniques for Giving Feedback

  • Use positive language and provide specific examples of good performance.
  • Address developmental areas with observed examples, using 'I feel' or 'I have observed' statements.
  • Focus on particular instances rather than generalising behaviour.
  • Offer help and ask how you can assist in their development.

Receiving Feedback Gracefully

  • Recognise feedback as a personal perspective and respect it.
  • Maintain a non-defensive posture and active listening.
  • Request clarification on points of confusion.
  • Express gratitude for the feedback and willingness to improve.

Moving Forward Post-Feedback

Post-feedback, focus on actionable steps for improvement. The aim is to progress beyond past issues and enhance future performance.

Remember, effective feedback in performance appraisals is about understanding, empathy, and a commitment to mutual growth and development.